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With That Said…

communication encourage leadership Jul 05, 2023

With That Said…

Listen, don’t just wait to talk.

That sentence stands on it’s own because…well, just because.

Because listening is easier said than done.

Because listening is a gateway to empathy and so much more.

Because listening has been one of my biggest challenges as a business owner, as a communicator, as a husband, as a father, as a friend, and as a person.

With that said, I’d like to think - when I miss a sound, when I’m off on a note, when I fall flat in the exchange - my intentions are good. But to be real, there are times when I’m just not there, I’m on my own journey, distracted by my own thoughts, just missing the beat. As hard as that may be to admit, listen, it’s the tough truth.

Listen, I find myself so into a conversation, swept up in the interaction, wanting to add my take to the mix…and I just wait to talk.

Listen, I want to encourage others, let them know I hear them, show them I’m tracking…and I just wait to talk.

Listen, I get caught up in the feeling, in the excitement of it all, in the flow…and I just wait to talk.

Listen, this all isn’t easy to admit, fun to acknowledge, comfortable to share, but I don’t always listen well. It’s something I’ve been working on for years and it may be a life-long journey for me to continue to hone that skill. On that journey…

Listen, listening can be a gateway to cultivating authentic connection. So, as leaders, teachers, coaches, presenters, and as people, let’s make it a priority to seriously hear, to intentionally focus, and to purposely listen, so we can understand others and allow space for their message.

Listen, let’s go through our days, do our things, live our lives being present and taking it all in. Let’s allow others to get in, complete their thoughts, conclude their sentences, add their value, feel and be heard, finish strong, and be content…with that said.

Listen On. Game On.


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