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Make That Call

communication connection relationships Aug 02, 2023

Make That Call

In our pursuit to communicate effectively while building and maintaining healthy relationships, there’s ample advice out there, at our disposal, within our grasp, to encourage us all to be deliberate and intentional in cultivating authentic connection. With that said, what do we do when there’s a misunderstanding, a disagreement, we grow apart, when those seemingly sound and strong connections experience some friction, there’s a loss of signal, and we disconnect?

Not all encounters, connections, relationships are meant to remain intact in perpetuity, but when that relationship is significant and seriously matters, and there’s a disconnect, we should all reflect on the relationship, review the circumstances, reset our reactions, repent if necessary, and if you truly feel it is worth it, make that call to reconnect.

Without going into specifics, I can recall on multiple occasions when I’ve had a serious disconnect with someone and the last thing I wanted to do was focus on reconciliation. I was too fired up, too frustrated, too embarrassed, too hurt, too whatever it was at the time to make that call. But when I stepped back, gave it some time, allowed for some reflection, assessed the relationship, the circumstances, the stakes, I realized the only way forward, the only route to reconciliation, the only road to resolve was to reset, reach out, and reconnect.

I think we can all agree, as leaders, teachers, coaches, presenters, that significant encounters, important connections, life-changing relationships are far and few, and worth acknowledging, appreciating, and cherishing. With that understanding, let’s value them, and when appropriate and necessary, do all we can to honor those connections, maintain them, learn from them, and grow from them, so we don’t unnecessarily lose a friendship, lose our joy, lose that connection, lose our way.

And along that way, in our pursuit to communicate effectively while building and maintaining healthy relationships, when that signal seems to be irreparable - but deep down in your heart you know that relationship is irreplaceable - let’s check our ego at the door, set our pride aside, take a deep breath, and do what we can to repent, reconcile, and reconnect.

In the short, medium, or long run, it may be very well worth it to send that note, write that text, plan that visit, pick up that phone and…make that call.

Connection Back On. Relationship Back On. Game Back On.


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