Blog On!
Jan 04, 2023I made a commitment at the beginning of 2022 to write a blog a week, for 52 weeks, and I’m thrilled to say…we did it! I say “we” because it’s a team effort here at Game On. And as a team, we encourage our colleagues, consultants, clients, and community to “celebrate small wins”, and that’s what I’m doing right here, right now. Let’s goooo!!!
In fact, let’s keep going and keep growing from these experiences. I want to learn from finishing a process. I want to know how we can all appreciate the gift of completion, while not resting on our laurels. How can we celebrate the small wins we’ve earned, while keeping the momentum going? How can we support one another in achieving our goals, while continuing to improve and grow as leaders, presenters, educators, coaches, and community members?
As I think about these questions, while reflecting on last year and looking forward to the opportunities that lie ahead in 2023, below are a few “good to do’s” that helped me along the way. I hope some of these reflections and discoveries will help you along your way, whatever that commitment, that plan, that goal, may be for you.
1. STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE, NOT PERFECTION: Early in this process, I found that striving for excellence was so much more attainable than struggling for perfection. It took me some time, some rougher blogs, and some creative blocks to get there…so hang in there, especially early on.
2. WHEN YOU DON’T FEEL LIKE WRITING, WRITE ANYWAY: There were many weeks I simply didn’t feel like writing. I just wasn’t in the mood and/or I had other things I wanted to do. I wrote anyway, and when I was done, I was so glad I did it.
3. HAVE AN ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER: It was very helpful to have my teammates involved for structure, to give honest feedback, and most importantly, to keep me accountable to the process. Special shout out to Jason Martinez for being a creative collaborator, main editor, and my trusted “sound check”, week after week.
4. MAKE IT PERSONAL: Writing about topics and themes that I was passionate about, and sharing stories that were personal to me, was so much easier than trying to write about a “hot topic” or popular industry theme that was outside my experience, interest, and/or authority.
5. CAPABILITY, CAPACITY & CLARITY MATTERS: Knowing I had the capability (knowledge and experience), capacity (time and support), and the clarity (focus and direction), was a game-changer and allowed me the vision, structure, and bandwidth to see this project through to completion.
6. SET CLEAR OUTCOMES, TIMELINES & SCHEDULES: Having clear outcomes, setting reasonable timelines, and following a defined schedule made the task so much less daunting for me than attempting to write a blog that was wildly unique, totally epic, earthshattering, and/or life-changing, week after week.
7. LET YOUR PEEPS KNOW: Letting my family in on the plan at the beginning of the year was important so they knew on Sunday, usually between 2:00-3:30pm EST, I would be in my brown leather chair, or as my 8-year-old daughter likes to call it, my “blog space”. And when I was done, my computer was turned off and my focus on them was back on.
8. ESTABLISH A ROUTINE: Finally, the more I wrote, the more consistent I became, the more I trusted the process, the more it became a part of my routine, and the more efficient I was with my writing time. In fact, by the 4th month, every Sunday between 2:00-3:30EST, when I used to regularly tune into NFL Red Zone, I found myself instinctively gravitating to my brown chair, tuning into my “blog space”.
With the completion of this goal, it doesn’t mean I accomplished everything I set out to achieve in 2022. There were many misses, mistakes, shortfalls, and incompletions along the way. However, with this clear and attainable commitment to writing a blog a week, for 52 weeks, we can say we made it, we did it, we got there…and we won’t stop here. Let’s keep this thing going into 2023.
Here’s to embracing excellence and consistency, instead of worrying about perfection.
Here’s to setting some realistic goals, and celebrating those small, awesome wins when you get there.
Here’s to setting some wild, lofty, outlandish goals, and giving yourself some grace if you come up a bit short.
Here’s to having people around you, in front of you, and most importantly, beside you, to help you with both the realistic and the outlandish goals in 2023.
Here’s to all of us starving our distractions and feeding our focus so we can go after our commitments, our plans, our goals, with confidence, courage, and clarity.
And here’s to my commitment to continue to write a blog a week, every week, for all of 2023, starting right here, right now. Let’s gooooo!!!
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